Helping scientists to write scientific English: challenges and issues
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منابع مشابه
Scientific Authority in Health Sciences; Challenges and Solutions
Background: The perspective of scientific authority in Iran, by the year 1435, requires a growing strong generation with a sense of self-esteem, academic endeavor and responsible in today's competitive world. Strategic planning of human resources and education of youth with talent, commitment, vitality and hope requires a national will along with adequate resources. The aim of this study was to...
متن کاملApproaches for Helping Brazilian Students Improve their Scientific Writings
Writing well in English is a challenge for non-native English speakers. When readers are unable to comprehend what they read they just give up reading and fail to get to the content. In this paper we describe problems encountered in the English writing of scientific abstracts by Brazilian Portuguese speakers. We collected and analyzed a corpus of 115 abstracts in which we identified specific la...
متن کاملInspecting Mixed-Ability Group Challenges within Iranian EFL Public High Schools: An Exploratory Study Fatemeh
The nature of heterogeneity issues within the context of Iranian, English language learning contexts in high schools is one of the under-researched lines of inquiry. For this aim, a researcher-made, Likert-type questionnaire whose items were initially validated through a multi-stage, exploratory research design among 30 teachers was distributed among some 67, Iranian EFL teachers with different...
متن کاملInspecting Mixed-Ability Group Challenges within Iranian EFL Public High Schools: An Exploratory Study Fatemeh
The nature of heterogeneity issues within the context of Iranian, English language learning contexts in high schools is one of the under-researched lines of inquiry. For this aim, a researcher-made, Likert-type questionnaire whose items were initially validated through a multi-stage, exploratory research design among 30 teachers was distributed among some 67, Iranian EFL teachers with different...
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